Our chapter advisor is Professor Cindy Fox who is assisted by Professor Jacqueline Robinson. Cindy Fox is a part of our parent chapter, Charlotte American Marketing Association. Having Cindy and Jacqueline as our advisors gives us unprecedented access to a mentor system, events with other colleges in the region, and the parent chapter’s networking, social and professional events.

We encourage students to attend all of the career fairs and professional events put on by the Belk College of Business and our sister business organizations and to keep in touch with our successful American Marketing Association alumni who have since graduated.

Our Objective

Increase the Professional development & networking opportunities to all current members while providing them with the proper tools and resources to build knowledge on the importance of Professional development.

Our Goal

Maintain our Professional Development workshops and events from the previous year, utilize the University Career Center to bring in speakers, acquire 1-2 Marketing Agency guest speakers, and empower the members to ensure they have the confidence in a Professional Business environment.