The American Marketing Association at Charlotte values unity, integrity, accountability, fairness, equality, and respect. Our chapter operations enable all members the opportunity to speak their opinions and voice their matters. Speak your ideas and let your voice be heard within AMA at Charlotte.

Chapter Meetings

Our Chapter meetings are scheduled to change per semester in efforts to have highest volume in membership attendance. In doing so Chapter meetings will be help in a set place, day, and time weekly in order to have consistency.

Our first Chapter meeting of every month will be the general meeting. In the general meeting we will discuss our objectives and goals for the month, important dates, and discuss any new ideas to help the chapter with membership, funding, and social team building.

All general chapter meetings are MANDATORY for all members. If you are unable to attend, you must fill out an absence excusal form prior to the following executive meeting after the missed general chapter meeting.


Executive Meetings

Our executive meetings are open to all members! You do not have to be a director or on the E-board to attend. We HIGHLY encourage our members to sit in on open exec meetings to learn more and understand the logistics of how the chapter is ran. This will teach you and better to prepare you for the positions you are interested in applying for.

Executive meetings will be held via Zoom to accommodate to everyone’s schedule and is scheduled to change per semester/exec board members. The first half of meetings will be open exec where members are encouraged to present any ideas or concerns to the E-board and have an open discussion. After the first half the exec. meeting will then move to closed exec. All non-E-board members will then be asked to leave.

It is MANDATORY for all directors to attend open exec meetings. If a director is unable to attend, then he/she must fill out an excusal form prior to that exec. meeting.


Chapter Membership

Chapter Members are required to pay the semester fee of $25.00 within the time period requested at the beginning of each semester. Failure to do so will result in a $5.00 late fee.

Students are allowed to join at any point within the semester but will be required to pay the membership and late fee.

Our chapter membership fees are separate from the national collegiate membership fee. The chapter membership fees will go towards chapter funding to assist with marketing initiatives, chapter night out events, and more.

Professional Hours

While maintaining a professional appearance within our chapter we want all members to be to grow professionally and personally. Therefore, the AMA at Charlotte chapter requires all members to submit 3 professional hours per semester with proof of the event attended.

Keynote speakers, job fairs, attendance to the Professional Development Workshops (PDW), or any other form of event that offers you the ability to grow and learn is considered acceptable. We want our members to gain the upmost knowledge to better prepare themselves for their career path.


Collegiate Membership

Disclaimer: ALL members are required to pay their yearly collegiate membership fee of $29.00 to be considered an official member of the American Marketing Association.

Being a Collegiate member will offer you exclusive resources, training, bootcamps, conferences, certifications and more!

To set up your collegiate membership and become an official member of the American Marketing Association please visit the following link.

Service Hours

Making a community and social impact is a main focus the AMA at Charlotte focuses every year. We believe in making an impact to help make change and shed light on the importance and seriousness of staying involved with surrounding communities. Therefore, the AMA at Charlotte chapter requires all members to submit 3 service hours per semester with proof of the event attended,

Attending fundraising events, social events, community impacting events, and participating in any other events that focuses on the topic of the school year is acceptable. We want our members to learn and understand that being able to give back is the most precious and special feeling.