In all aspects of the corporate world, we must be able to juggle between our professional and personal lives while maintaining a professional presence on all social platforms. The American Marketing Association at Charlotte manages a wide range of channels both internally and externally to ensure proper communication and organization amongst our advisors, members and sponsors.

Internal Communications

  • GroupMe

    Our general GroupMe give all students and non-members the opportunity to stay involved and informed with any and all events pertaining to both AMA and the marketing field.

    Our membership GroupMe allows our members to have special access to information such as internships, potential job offers, and marketing events that could be beneficial to them. The membership GroupMe has special information that only members will have access to.

  • Executive & Director Assigned Emails

    Nobody enjoys getting spammed with emails. Especially when it’s a mixed variety of personal and business. Therefore, all of our positions offered will have assigned emails to help keep the email spam to minimum.

    We want to ensure all important information is not going unnoticed.

  • Zoom

    Despite classes being back in person with the potential of moving virtual. Zoom will remain in place for certain meetings, events, keynote speakers, and more to allow our members and students the opportunity to attend such events in case of an emergency or schedule conflicts.

External Communications

  • Electronic Flyers & Weekly Email Newsletters

    In order to connect and inform non-members of the AMA at Charlotte chapter events and important information pertaining to meetings we have set up scheduled flyers for our social media platforms as well as a weekly newsletter highlighting the important information pertaining to the current week. This will help build our presence amongst Charlotte and reach out to all marketing and undecided business major students.

  • Digital Marketing - Niner Engage

    The AMA at Charlotte utilizes all tools the University has to offer us when it comes to our communications. In efforts to reach out to all students and inform them of events in a timely manner, all events pertaining to the AMA at Charlotte chapter will be published to the Niner Engage portal help exchange information.

  • Advisors

    Our number one elite source to the professional and marketing world within Charlotte and beyond is through our advisors. Our advisors, Cindy Fox and Jacqueline Robinson, keeps an open line to all University resources and potential guest speakers for the chapter. Our advisors will help by sharing important events and information to students within their classes as well as other faculty advisors.

  • Instagram

    Our social media platform is our key source to reaching students. In nowadays society majority of students are highly active on social media. Be sure to follow us on Instagram to stay informed of our meetings and special events!

  • LinkedIn

    The AMA at Charlotte chapter focuses on building our members networking channel within the corporate world. Our LinkedIn account will allow our members to connect and chat with other collegiate members and alumni of the AMA at Charlotte Chapter. This will help members share stories, job openings, and potential internships worldwide.


Our objective for the AMA at Charlotte Chapter is to promote and provide information pertaining to our members and students around campus. We want to spread the word about our chapter in efforts to help increase membership or partnership. This year we want to ensure all communication is delivered to our members who attend and miss the meetings and events. We want to ensure our members have all of the information at their disposal.


Our main goal is to develop a method to help keep our members current on events and information pertaining to the chapter as well as what is going on around campus involving marketing opportunities (job fairs, internships, interviews, workshops, etc.). We want to keep a professional presence on our social media and website to help reach non-members in hopes to bring in new members. Our goal is to have a 15-20% increase on our social media platform by the end of the year.