Our chapter is constantly brainstorming fundraising plans and executing fundraising programs in effort to build profit, funding for chapter activities and support our organizations goals. In order to execute such goals and objectives, we highly encourage and challenge and our members to use their marketing skills to assist with raising funds.

Our Objective

Our objective is to secure all collected funds throughout the chapter. We want to all funds accounted for and each fundraising event be tracked with an expense report submitted to the V.P. of Finance from the Fundraising Director. This will help support the chapter with any initiatives moving forward within the chapter. We believe with the hard work and diverse members within our chapter, we can raise enough money to make up for the loss of funding in the past year due to COVID-19.

Our Goal

Anticipate raising a minimum of $1,500 and secure at least $1,200 in sponsorships and University funding to help cover the expenses to take our members to the International Collegiate Conference in Chicago-New Orleans.