Absence Policy

The American Marketing Association at UNC Charlotte understands that our members have academic and professional commitments outside of the chapter.

General Body:

  • We do not penalize chapter members if they are unable to make it to one of our meetings, but we do try to reward our most active and involved members. Any chapter members interested in attending the ICC or applying for future leadership positions are highly encouraged to fill out an Absence Excusal Form when they are unable to attend a general meeting, fulfill the required professional and service hours, or any other general membership requirements.


  • Attendance is mandatory for all Directors and Executive Board members. Any member in a leadership position who is unable to attend a general meeting, attend an Exec meeting, fulfill the required professional and service hours, or any other general membership requirements must inform the Chapter President and/or Vice-President and submit an Absence Excusal Form.

Absence Excusal Forms will be reviewed during exec meetings. E-board members will vote on if the absence is excused or unexcused.

  • Once a director acquires 3 unexcused absences then he/she will be reviewed amongst E-board members and voted upon if he/she is seen unfit to fulfill the responsibilities and duties of the appointed position. If seen unfit, then he/she will be subjected to removal of the appointed position and the following position will become open to be filled amongst members. Voting will be done fairly and must be a majority vote.

  • If an E-board member acquires 3 unexcused absences, then he/she will be reviewed amongst other standing E-board members and advisors. Once reviewed then those in standing will then vote on course of action, suspension of position, or removal depending on attendance and discussion. All voting must be a majority vote, and advisors have final overall decision if removal is chosen.

Membership Policy

The AMA at UNC Charlotte is open to students across all majors. We believe that no matter what profession you hope to enter after graduation, understanding how to market yourself and your passions to others is a crucial component to success.

We are always looking to better understand what their members are hoping to achieve from their time with us, and what they wish for to keep them engaged and included. YOU make our chapter, and we would not be here without YOU. Feel free to provide us with feedback on our performance, and any suggestions you may have by contacting!

Membership dues of $40 are required at UNC Charlotte AMA. This will provide each member with access to all of the benefits and perks offered by the American Marketing Association, and a portion of these dues will assist our Chapter in funding the events we hold over the academic year.

For more information on membership perks please click the following link.

Code of Conduct

The purpose of the AMA Code of Conduct is to define the standards of behavior while holding up to the expected interactions and engagement within surrounding communities. All members are required to review these documents on their own time.

For more detailed information regarding this please click the following link.

Please Note: All chapter and collegiate members are required to abide by all Codes of Conduct set by the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.

The American Marketing Association at Charlotte has a ZERO TOLERANCE policy when it comes to discrimination.