Executive Board Application

Are you a hard-working individual? Do you have the work ethic and passion it takes to commit to a year-long executive board position? Do you want to expand your knowledge, skills, and networking channel?

If so, then you just be the perfect fit The University of North Carolina at Charlotte AMA Collegiate Chapter is seeking!

Executive Board Positions:

  1. Chapter President

  2. Vice-President

  3. VP of Communications

  4. VP of Finance

  5. VP of Marketing

  6. VP of Membership


Director Application

Are you a hard-working individual? Do you have the work ethic and passion it takes to commit to a semester-long director position? Do you want to expand your knowledge, skills, and networking channel?

If so, then you just be the perfect fit The University of North Carolina at Charlotte AMA Collegiate Chapter is seeking!

The director positions offered:

  1. Social Media Marketing & Branding

  2. Events Director

  3. Professional Development & ICC

  4. Public Relations

  5. Fundraising Director


Absence Excusal Form

Please fill out the following form if you were unable to attend a General Chapter Meeting, Executive Board Meeting, or unable to fulfill required professional hours (3) and required service hours (3).

Be sure to fill out the form honestly and as detailed as possible to help us better understand if it is excused or unexcused.

Note: We don't penalize members if they're unable to make it to one of our meetings. However, we try to reward our most active and involved members! If you are looking to attend the ICC or apply for leadership positions, we may consider your attendance and professional/service hours when making our decisions.


Professional & Service Hours Submission

Please fill out the following form if you have any professional or service hours to submit. It is MANDATORY that all members must submit (3) professional and (3) service hours in total per semester.

You must submit some form of proof of attendance for it to be counted - photo/selfie at event, receipt, or signed official of attendance is acceptable.

Send all proof of attendance to


International Collegiate Conference Application

Student marketers are redefining and shaping the future of marketing. We are paving the road and making changes on our campus and within our community. Every year, a select few of members are selected to attend and compete at the International Collegiate Conference hosted in New Orleans, LA.

These students are carefully selected based on their academic level, chapter engagement and attendance.

The ICC is covered for the students selected to attend thanks to the grants and funding from the Belk College of Business and SGA.

Be sure to review the list of competitions and requirements of the event you plan to compete in before submitting your application.


Chapter T-Shirt Orders

This year’s t-shirt competition theme for the American Marketing Association is ‘Rise Together’

The following image is the winning design selected to represent our chapter within the t-shirt competition for 2022 at the ICC in Chicago! If you are interested in purchasing a t-shirt, please fill out the following form.